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Forcible and ruthless usurpation of the power. Theme - «Ribbon Day»

Calendar: «Black Ribbon Day», «International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime».
Quotes and pictures for Ribbon Day. «Forcible and ruthless usurpation of the power» quotation with photo.
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Quotes and wishes: «Ribbon Day»

Quotes & Wishes - Forcible and ruthless usurpation of the power Forcible and ruthless usurpation of the power

Whether in Bolshevism, Fascism, or Nazism, we meet continually with the forcible and ruthless usurpation of the power of the State by a minority drawn from the masses, resting on their support, flattering them and threatening them at the same time; a minority led by a charismatic leader and brazenly identifying itself with the State. It is a tyranny that does away with all the guarantees of the constitutional State, constituting as the only party the minority that has created it, furnishing that party with far-reaching judicial and administrative functions, and permitting within the whole life of the nation no groups, no activities, no opinions, no associations or religions, no publications, no educational institutions, no business transactions, that are not dependent on the will of the Government.
(The German Question)
Wilhelm Ropke

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