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It’s so much nicer to be comfortable. Theme - «Transfiguration of Jesus»

Calendar: «Transfiguration of Jesus».
Quotes and pictures for Transfiguration of Jesus. «It’s so much nicer to be comfortable» quotation with photo.
«It’s so much nicer to be comfortable» illustrated quotation. Transfiguration of Jesus, free quote pictures for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest and other social networks.
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Quotes and wishes: «Transfiguration of Jesus»

Quotes & Wishes - It’s so much nicer to be comfortable It’s so much nicer to be comfortable

To put it simply: the Holy Spirit bothers us. Because he moves us, he makes us walk, he pushes the Church to go forward. And we are like Peter at the Transfiguration: ’Ah, how wonderful it is to be here like this, all together!’ ... But don’t bother us. We want the Holy Spirit to doze off ... we want to domesticate the Holy Spirit. And that’s no good. because he is God, he is that wind which comes and goes and you don’t know where. He is the power of God, he is the one who gives us consolation and strength to move forward. But: to move forward! And this bothers us. It’s so much nicer to be comfortable.
(Encountering Truth: Meeting God in the Everyday)
Pope Francis

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