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Love your kids and just be there for them. Theme - «Bringing up children»

Quotes and pictures for Bringing up children. «Love your kids and just be there for them» quotation with photo.
«Love your kids and just be there for them» illustrated quotation. Bringing up children, free quote pictures for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest and other social networks.
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Quotes and wishes: «Bringing up children»

Quotes & Wishes - Love your kids and just be there for them Love your kids and just be there for them

Love your kids and just be there for them. You don’t have to eyeball their every moment or to orchestrate all their comings and goings. They know this. They know that’s too much. All they want is to be assured that there’s a home fire cooking, that there are two foremen and a rulebook, and that there’s someone to tuck them in at night.
(The Legacy Letters: his Wife, his Children, his Final Gift)
Carew Papritz

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