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One of the most important trends. Theme - «Red Cross»

Calendar: «World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day».
Quotes and pictures for Red Cross. «One of the most important trends» quotation with photo.
«One of the most important trends» illustrated quotation. Red Cross, free quote pictures for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest and other social networks.
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Quotes and wishes: «Red Cross»

Quotes & Wishes - One of the most important trends One of the most important trends

One of the most important trends in the field of international voluntary service in recent years has been the recognition that social development cannot be pried loose from economic and political development and that the work of volunteer organizations cannot be isolated from other aspects of social work Prognostics for voluntary service must be seen as part of a whole. It is already outmoded to look on community social services as an entity in itself: it is part of a socio-economic whole...
Secretary General of the League of Red Cross Societies
Henrik Beer

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