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3 июня 2024, понедельник 06:52

№ 19503794

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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с комментариями
02 Июн
Face: the mirror of life and care (E-News)
Why do some people look twenty-five at forty and others look forty at twenty-five? Creams, plastic surgery - yes, these are important, but there are other factors that affect the youthfulness of your skin. Heredity Heredity is something we don't choose. It is either there or it is not. No cream can help change heredity, but you can work with what you have. For example, if you and your mother ...
02 Июн
Four important steps for a flawless powder makeup look (E-News)
How do you create makeup that looks fresh and gorgeous all day long? One of the key elements is the proper application of powder. In this skill you will be helped by various tips offered by Veronika Nikulina, an experienced makeup artist from a Kiev beauty salon. Even distribution on the face and neck: Apply powder not only on the face, but also on the neck. This is important to create a uniform ...
01 Июн
How to improve the elasticity of your facial skin at home (E-News)
The face, neck and arms are three parts of the body that often give away age. To keep your skin looking young and fresh for as long as possible, you need to pay constant attention to skin care. As we age, however, many people face the problem of wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. You can go to a beauty salon, where you will be offered professional facial treatments, or you can try to improve ...
01 Июн
Kefir solution: fighting cellulite (E-News)
Cellulite is a problem that many women want to solve, but preparations to combat it are expensive. However, there is an affordable solution - kefir. Using kefir to fight cellulite can be effective and more affordable. To do this, it is necessary to slightly heat kefir to a warm state, but not to boiling, and add 10 drops of rose or other essential oil, such as orange or lemon. The mixture should ...
31 Май
Simple styles for short hair: ideas from the stars (E-News)
Short haircuts are always in trend. They give the image freshness and style. And although it seems that with short hair there are not so many styling options, in fact there are many ways to give them variety. Let's take a look at some simple and stylish star-inspired styles. The side parting is one of the simplest and most elegant styles for short hair. To create this hairstyle, apply foam to ...
31 Май
Effective methods of express diets: fast and safe (E-News)
In the world of modern dietetics, express diets occupy a special place, promising to get rid of extra pounds in just a few days. If you are suddenly faced with the task of losing excess weight, express diets can be a reliable ally in this difficult endeavor. Their basic nutritional principles may vary, but their effectiveness has been proven by many users. One of the most popular express diets ...
30 Май
Menstruation and skin: choosing cosmetics (E-News)
Before the onset of menstruation, many women face skin problems: rashes appear, the skin becomes more sensitive. Change of cosmetics can solve this problem. After all, skin needs change depending on the phase of the cycle, and it is important to choose the right products for the current state of the skin. In the second phase of the cycle, the skin often lacks balance, greasiness and acne appear. ...
30 Май
Fighting the second chin: home methods (E-News)
To remove the so-called “second chin” independently, there are many effective exercises and masks. First, you should regularly perform the following exercise: take a heavy book and put it on your head. Walk around the room with it, keeping your back straight. At the same time, the chin should be slightly upward, not looking forward. Note that this is a very effective exercise, and to achieve ...
29 Май
The truth about washing your face with ice (E-News)
Ice can be used not only to cool down a drink, but also to improve the condition of the facial skin. Many people are aware of the healing properties of this simple remedy, but we don't always give it the importance it deserves. Washing your face with ice can be the perfect start to your morning and evening skin care routine. The traditional rinsing of the face with warm water and wiping with a ...
28 Май
How to reduce the volume of full legs: effective methods (E-News)
Are you embarrassed by your fat legs and dream of wearing your favorite miniskirts? It's time to take your appearance into your own hands! Cardio training plays a key role in reducing leg volume. 6 sessions of 30 minutes a week is your way to success. It can be running or swimming, the only important thing is to move to burn calories and create a negative energy balance, helping the body to use ...
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