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25 мая 2024, суббота 17:54

№ 19497928

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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24 Май
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is on the way to the decriminalization of theft: what is expected from the innovations (E-News)
On May 22, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted as a basis a draft law that provides for significant changes in the field of criminal liability for property theft. According to the proposed legislation, theft of property worth up to 4,552 hryvnias will be punished exclusively administratively. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak, a representative of the "Voice" faction, informs about ...
24 Май
The Verkhovna Rada introduced a moratorium on the bankruptcy of critical infrastructure facilities (E-News)
On May 22, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted draft law No. 8316, which introduces a moratorium on the bankruptcy of state-owned critical infrastructure facilities. This moratorium will remain in effect during martial law and for two years after its end. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak announced this, noting that 227 people's deputies voted for the adoption of the law. The draft law ...
23 Май
La Verkhovna Rada a soutenu la loi sur la lutte contre la fraude électronique (E-News)
En première lecture, la Verkhovna Rada a adopté le projet de loi n° 10190 visant à modifier le code pénal pour lutter contre la fraude électronique. C'est ce qu'a annoncé Yaroslav Zheleznyak, vice-président de la commission parlementaire des finances, de la fiscalité et de la police douanière. Selon lui, le projet de loi a reçu le soutien de 267 ...
21 Май
Le ministère des industries stratégiques élargit les possibilités de réservation pour les travailleurs de l'industrie de la défense (E-News)
Le ministère ukrainien des industries stratégiques a modifié les critères définissant les entreprises importantes pour l'économie nationale. Ces changements permettent de réserver des employés astreints au service militaire dans les entreprises de défense. Selon une publication sur le portail du gouvernement, les innovations, qui sont entrées en ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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23 Май
Shmyhal demande aux ingénieurs de l'énergie d'élaborer des calendriers équitables pour les coupures d'électricité (E-News)
Le premier ministre ukrainien Denys Shmyhal a demandé au ministère de l'énergie et à Ukrenergo d'élaborer une résolution gouvernementale qui garantira des calendriers de coupures de courant équitables pour les consommateurs. Il a fait cette annonce lors d'une réunion du gouvernement le 21 mai. Shmyhal a souligné que le nouveau document devrait inclure ...
23 Май
The Ministry of Social Policy and the World Bank are implementing a new initiative (E-News)
The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine together with the World Bank are implementing a new initiative that will allow procurement for international donors through the ProZorro electronic system. This innovation will be implemented by the State Institution "Professional Procurement" as part of a pilot project. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Nadiya Bihun. She noted ...
22 Май
Augmentation des tarifs de l'électricité : à quoi s'attendre à partir de juin ? (E-News)
Le ministère ukrainien de l'énergie annonce que de nouveaux tarifs d'électricité pour les ménages seront introduits en juin. Selon le vice-ministre Mykola Kolisnyk, ces tarifs seront abordables pour les citoyens. Il a annoncé cette information lors d'un téléthon unique organisé le mardi 21 mai. Le tarif actuel restera en vigueur jusqu'à la fin du ...
22 Май
Competition with Huawei forces Apple to cut iPhone prices in China (E-News)
Apple, one of the world's leading smartphone manufacturers, has launched an active discount campaign for some iPhone models on its official Tmall website in China, offering discounts of up to 2300 yuan (or 318 USD). This strategy was a response to the growing competition from Huawei, a well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer. This was reported by Reuters. The discount promotion, which will ...
21 Май
Réglementation de Telegram en Ukraine : position du DIU (E-News)
Le Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) appelle à la régulation de Telegram sur le territoire ukrainien, car cette messagerie est utilisée comme un darknet légalisé. C'est ce qu'a déclaré le porte-parole du DIU, Andriy Yusov, dans une interview accordée au Centre for Countering Disinformation. M. Yusov a souligné que Telegram est un produit russe que ...
20 Май
Le gouvernement assure la reconstruction des TPP de Zmiyivska et Trypilska : une contribution de plus de 1,5 milliard d'UAH (E-News)
Lors de la dernière réunion du gouvernement, qui a eu lieu le 17 mai, le gouvernement ukrainien a fait un pas important vers la restauration de deux centrales thermiques - Zmiivska et Trypilska. Ces centrales électriques ont été victimes de l'agression russe et plus de 1,5 milliard de hryvnias ont été allouées à leur restauration. Cela a été ...
20 Май
Ukraine is on the way to a free trade zone with Argentina and Chile (E-News)
Ukraine is actively developing strategic partnerships with Latin American countries, which opens up new opportunities for Ukrainian manufacturers in this promising market. This was announced by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Economy Yulia Svyridenko. One of the key directions is cooperation with Chile. According to Svyridenko, Chilean companies are showing interest in ...
20 Май
For the first time, 23 Ukrainian companies participated in tenders for the provision of the Armed Forces (E-News)
Since December 2023, when the State Rear Operator (DOT) began its work, 23 Ukrainian companies for the first time took part in tenders for the supply of property for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is a significant event for domestic business and the military sphere, which opens up new opportunities for cooperation and development. This event was reported by the press service of the Ministry ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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24 Май
Ćwiczenia na jędrne pośladki (E-News)
Ćwiczenie nr 1. Połóż się na podłodze na brzuchu, zegnij nogi w kolanach i zbliż je do siebie. Napnij mięśnie brzucha, nóg i pośladków. Zacznij powoli podnosić nogi, a następnie powoli je opuszczaj. Powtórz 10-15 razy. Ćwiczenie nr 2. Uklęknij. Balansuj ramionami i naprzemiennie opuszczaj się na prawe i ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Psychology of makeup: what you can learn (E-News)
Makeup is not only a means of transformation, but also a kind of mirror of your personality. It reflects not only your style preferences, but also says a lot about your character. Natural makeup, in which you prefer a minimum of cosmetics, indicates your self-sufficiency and self-confidence. You tend to be analytical and prefer to draw attention to your inner qualities rather than your outward ...
Styl i uroda: sekrety Olgi Kurylenko (E-News)
Olga Kurylenko, słynna aktorka filmowa o nieskazitelnej cerze i wyśmienitym guście, a także świetnym stylu, podzieliła się swoimi sekretami urody. Eksperymentując z włosami, nie boi się radykalnych zmian: „Jeśli mi to odpowiada, dlaczego nie zmienić radykalnie mojego stylu?”. Zauważa, że zachowuje indywidualność, ...
Anastasia Volochkova: the secret of the famous ballerina's slimness (E-News)
The secret of slimness of the famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova turned out to be quite simple, as she herself claims. She shared it on her Twitter, publishing a photo of her “dense” dinner, consisting of a small amount of parsley and 1-2 fresh cucumbers. When asked by one of her followers about how one can get full with such a dinner, the ballerina replied that one should load oneself with ...
24 Май
De los defectos a los puntos fuertes: cómo cambiar la forma de ver tu aspecto físico (E-News)
A menudo somos demasiado críticos con nuestro aspecto, nos centramos en nuestros defectos en lugar de ver nuestros puntos fuertes. En lugar de resaltarlos, intentamos ocultarlos y cambiarlos. Sin embargo, como dicen los estilistas y maquilladores, a menudo son los defectos los que nos hacen únicos y atractivos. Pecas Muchas mujeres intentan deshacerse de las pecas por considerarlas un ...
24 Май
I segreti di una cura efficace della pelle (E-News)
L'inverno può rappresentare una sfida per la nostra pelle a causa del gelo e dell'aria secca degli ambienti interni. Questi fattori possono portare a una perdita di idratazione naturale e a una pelle sciupata e desquamata. Tuttavia, con la giusta cura e la scelta dei cosmetici, è possibile mantenere la pelle sana e idratata anche nelle giornate invernali più rigide. Echinacea: uno ...
24 Май
How to get rid of a second chin: tips and recommendations (E-News)
The second chin is always associated with an aesthetic defect of appearance, which can be caused by various reasons, including excess weight and age-related changes. However, it can also appear at a young age, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition. In addition to genetics, a second chin can arise due to poor posture, a habit of sleeping on high pillows, long periods of sitting in ...
24 Май
Secrets of men's fragrance preferences (E-News)
Watching how your perfume affects a guy is always a pleasure. We researched what fragrances men like best. Here's what's worth considering. Among men, 60% are attracted to spice scents like patchouli, ambergris, and sandalwood. For 34% of guys, the smell of musk has a special effect, making them swoon. Pink fragrance, which embodies femininity and nobility, captivates 32% of men. And 29% of ...
23 Май
How to choose a good shampoo (E-News)
When choosing a shampoo, we often misjudge it by its fragrance, color or amount of foam. However, the real quality is determined not by external properties, but by the ingredients hidden inside the bottle. Hundreds of brands and types of shampoos can confuse even the most experienced buyers. But let's understand it together. Composition is a key factor when choosing. Avoid shampoos with ammonium ...
23 Май
Cuidado de la piel de la espalda y los hombros: la importancia de cuidar las zonas poco visibles (E-News)
Cuidar la piel de la cara y el cuello es una práctica habitual que no puede faltar en ningún ritual de aseo. Las piernas y los brazos también merecen su parte de atención. Sin embargo, la espalda y los hombros, situados en la parte posterior y no siempre visibles en el espejo, a menudo se dejan sin el cuidado adecuado. El estado de la piel de estas partes del cuerpo tiene una ...
23 Май
Frange: varianti eleganti per tutti (E-News)
Sin dai tempi di Audrey Hepburn, Jane Birkin e Sophia Loren, le frange sono state al centro della moda. È un elemento di stile classico che si adatta a diversi look e tipi di viso. Questa stagione i parrucchieri non smettono di stupire: offrono una varietà di frange, tenendo conto delle preferenze individuali e delle caratteristiche dell'aspetto. Vediamo alcune varianti alla moda di ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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24 Май
Le gouvernement français a exprimé son soutien à la proposition américaine d'utiliser les avoirs russes gelés (E-News)
Le gouvernement français a exprimé son soutien à la proposition américaine d'utiliser les avoirs russes gelés. Cette décision augmente les chances de parvenir à un accord préliminaire sur l'attribution d'un important programme d'aide à l'Ukraine pouvant atteindre 50 milliards de dollars lors de la réunion des ministres des Finances des "Big Seven" ...
22 Май
US sanctions against Russian tankers: most vessels are idle (E-News)
The sanctions imposed by the US Treasury Department against Russian oil tankers have proved to be extremely effective: most vessels have been idle for several months. This suggests that the United States can seriously affect oil supplies from Russia if it wishes. This was reported by Bloomberg. Since October, 40 vessels involved in the Russian oil trade have been added to the US sanctions list. ...
21 Май
The US State Department plans to confiscate Russian assets to help Ukraine (E-News)
The US State Department announced its intention to use the newly adopted law to confiscate Russian assets in the US in order to support Ukraine. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken made a corresponding statement. Anthony Blinken noted that Russia should be responsible for repairing the destruction caused by Putin's actions. "Congress has given us the authority to seize Russian assets in the ...
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