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21 мая 2024, вторник 13:08

№ 19496209

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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15 Май
Personelle Veränderungen in der Regierung: neue amtierende Minister für Agrarpolitik und Infrastruktur (E-News)
Die Regierung der Ukraine hat amtierende Minister für Agrarpolitik und Infrastruktur ernannt. Taras Vysotsky wurde vorübergehend amtierender Minister für Agrarpolitik und Vasyl Shkurakov wurde vorübergehend Minister für Infrastruktur. Dies erklärte der Vertreter der Regierung in der Werchowna Rada, Taras Melnytschuk. Die Regierung der Ukraine traf diese Entscheidung ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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20 Май
Twitter hat seine Domain in X.com geändert: Was das für Benutzer bedeutet (E-News)
Ab dem 17. Mai änderte das soziale Netzwerk Twitter seinen Domainnamen offiziell in X.com, was durch die Aussage seines Besitzers Elon Musk bekannt wurde. Dieser radikale Wandel erfolgte im Rahmen strategischer Transformationen unter der neuen Führung. Elon Musk gab diese Änderung persönlich bekannt und betonte, dass alle Einstellungen zur Privatsphäre und zum ...
20 Май
Ukraine is on the way to a free trade zone with Argentina and Chile (E-News)
Ukraine is actively developing strategic partnerships with Latin American countries, which opens up new opportunities for Ukrainian manufacturers in this promising market. This was announced by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Economy Yulia Svyridenko. One of the key directions is cooperation with Chile. According to Svyridenko, Chilean companies are showing interest in ...
20 Май
Honda investiert 65 Milliarden Dollar in die Entwicklung von Elektroautos: ehrgeizige Pläne bis 2040 (E-News)
Honda Motor Co. hat eine massive Investition in die Entwicklung der Elektrofahrzeugtechnologie angekündigt und plant, in den nächsten zehn Jahren etwa 10 Billionen Yen (ca. 65 Milliarden US-Dollar) zu investieren. Ziel dieser Entscheidung ist es, die Position des japanischen Automobilherstellers auf dem Weltmarkt für Elektrofahrzeuge zu stärken. Laut Kyodo werden diese ...
20 Май
For the first time, 23 Ukrainian companies participated in tenders for the provision of the Armed Forces (E-News)
Since December 2023, when the State Rear Operator (DOT) began its work, 23 Ukrainian companies for the first time took part in tenders for the supply of property for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is a significant event for domestic business and the military sphere, which opens up new opportunities for cooperation and development. This event was reported by the press service of the Ministry ...
16 Май
Improving military nutrition: only the highest quality (E-News)
The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine made a decision to make changes to the Food Catalog of the Armed Forces aimed at improving the quality of food for servicemen. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The innovations were developed jointly with the "State Rear Operator" (DOT), which announced the purchase of products for the Armed Forces for the second ...
16 Май
Die Ukraine erhielt von internationalen Partnern erhebliche Unterstützung in Form von Energieausrüstung (E-News)
Nach der Wiederaufnahme russischer Angriffe auf die Energieinfrastruktur erhielt die Ukraine von internationalen Partnern erhebliche Unterstützung in Form von Energieausrüstung. Das Gesamtvolumen der humanitären Hilfe überstieg 600 Tonnen. Dies teilte das Energieministerium der Ukraine mit. In der Pressemitteilung der Agentur heißt es, dass internationale Partner die ...
16 Май
NKCPFR announced the cancellation of the requirement for mandatory certification (E-News)
The National Commission for Securities and the Stock Market (NCSCFR) announced the cancellation of the requirement for mandatory certification of employees of professional capital market participants. From now on, a specialist's certificate is not required to work in this field either to obtain a license or to carry out professional activities. This decision was announced by the press service of ...
15 Май
EKU supports enterprises: restoration of targeted electricity imports (E-News)
The state energy trader JSC "Energy Company of Ukraine" (EKU) is resuming the targeted import of electricity for industrial consumers, directing efforts to reduce the duration of scheduled energy supply restrictions. This was reported by the press service of the ECU, noting that according to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution No. 1127 of October 27, 2023, in the case of planned ...
14 Май
Ein neuer Akteur bei der Lieferung von Produkten für die Streitkräfte der Ukraine ist auf dem Markt erschienen (E-News)
Ein neuer Akteur bei der Lieferung von Produkten für die Streitkräfte der Ukraine ist auf dem Markt erschienen. Das Unternehmen „Ukrainian Transparent Company“, das sich im Besitz von Ruslan Shostak und Valery Kyptyk, Miteigentümern der Handelsketten Varus und Eva, befindet, wird erstmals Militärpersonal in der Region Saporischschja mit Lebensmitteln versorgen. Laut dem ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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18 Май
Attraction by fragrance: secrets of perfume use (E-News)
According to a study by the American magazine Cosmo, men do have certain preferences in women's fragrances. The results of surveys of the stronger half confirm that women's perfume can help attract their attention to a woman. One of the main tips is that men are more likely to respond to fragrances that best suit the personality and reveal their character. The most attractive perfume composition ...
17 Май
Kyiv and Cisco joined forces for the development of digital infrastructure (E-News)
The Kyiv City State Administration reports that the capital of Ukraine has signed a memorandum of partnership with the Cisco technology company aimed at developing digital infrastructure and strengthening the city's cyber security. The main goal of this cooperation is to expand the city's digital services, introduce innovations in the field of intelligent transport systems and ensure a high ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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How to choose a lipstick: the art of the right choice (E-News)
Men, strange as it may seem, when talking or getting to know a woman, most often attracted by her delicate, sensual lips. Therefore, women usually pay special attention to this part of their body. Now it is hard to imagine what fashionistas could have come up with in order to draw attention to themselves, if at one time was not invented lipstick.  Lipstick makes a woman more attractive, in ...
How to maintain the attractiveness of breasts during pregnancy (E-News)
Every healthy woman expecting a child, strives not only for the healthy development of the baby, but also to preserve her femininity and beauty. Especially great attention is paid to the condition of the breast, because its shape and firmness can change during pregnancy and after childbirth. During pregnancy, the breast undergoes significant changes: it increases in size, the skin stretches, ...
20 Май
Trucco per le vacanze: l'arte di uscire in pubblico (E-News)
Il make-up per le vacanze non è solo colori vivaci e brillantini, ma anche la capacità di mettere in risalto la propria bellezza in modo discreto e armonioso. È importante tenere conto dello stile e del colore dell'outfit, nonché dell'acconciatura per creare un'immagine completa per le vacanze. Quando si sceglie il trucco, bisogna analizzare lo stile dell'outfit: se è ...
20 Май
5 Schönheitsmythen: die wissenswerte Wahrheit (E-News)
Manchmal denken wir, wir wüssten schon alles über unsere Schönheitsprodukte und Pflegeroutinen. Aber selbst in den vertrautesten Bereichen gibt es Raum für Mythen und Missverständnisse. Heute räumen wir mit fünf von ihnen auf. Das Gesicht mit Eis abwischenDer Gedanke, Eis im Gesicht zu verwenden, scheint verlockend, aber es ist nicht immer von Vorteil. ...
20 Май
3 easy ways to eliminate dark circles under the eyes (E-News)
Dark circles under the eyes are one of the most common facial skin problems for women. But there are some simple and effective ways to combat this nuisance, apart from makeup. We take a look at three time-tested methods that can help you get rid of dark circles and refresh the skin around your eyes. PotatoesDespite its simplicity, potatoes are a great remedy for dark circles under the eyes. ...
20 Май
Come disegnare le frecce con l'eyeliner: l'arte del trucco degli occhi (E-News)
Sguardo incantevole di occhi bellissimi e... la locomotiva dei suoi sentimenti è in arrivo. E se sapete come disegnare le frecce con l'eyeliner, il treno arriverà in orario. La prima freccia può essere come la prima frittella: non ha successo. La capacità di tracciare una linea uniforme è il risultato dell'esperienza. Segnate la linea prevista con punti o tratti ...
20 Май
Young and healthy skin in 9 days by Amy Wexler (E-News)
American dermatologist and cosmetologist Amy Wexler has developed the “Young and Healthy Skin in 9 Days” program. The basic principles of the program were published in Wexler's book “The Mind-Beauty Connection”. Today you have the opportunity to learn the way to rejuvenate your skin in just 9 days. Dr. Wexler states that the main cause of signs of aging skin is not only age, but also constant ...
19 Май
Anti-Cellulite-Bäder: ein wirksames Mittel für Schönheit und Gesundheit (E-News)
Am Ende eines anstrengenden Arbeitstages gibt es nichts Schöneres, als sich in einem duftenden Bad zu entspannen. Es bringt nicht nur Vergnügen, sondern hilft auch, den Zustand der Haut zu verbessern. Besonders wirksam sind in diesem Zusammenhang Anti-Cellulite-Bäder, die helfen, unerwünschte Hautveränderungen zu bekämpfen. Eine der einfachsten und günstigsten ...
19 Май
Epilazione della zona bikini: sottigliezze e particolarità (E-News)
L'epilazione della zona bikini non è solo una procedura importante, soprattutto in estate, ma anche un'attività che richiede una particolare attenzione ai dettagli. La popolarità di questa procedura spinge i cosmetologi a sviluppare diversi modi per risolvere questo problema. Le opzioni per la depilazione di questa zona sono molto varie. Esistono due tipi principali di rimozione ...
19 Май
Face tinting: rules and secrets (E-News)
Fashion and trends in makeup change over time. If 20-30 years ago, women used only powder, today it is hard to imagine makeup without foundation. Toning the face has become an integral part of many images. It not only gives the skin an even shade, but also protects it from the negative effects of the environment. It is important to understand how to apply the tone correctly to avoid an unnatural ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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The US State Department plans to confiscate Russian assets to help Ukraine (E-News)
The US State Department announced its intention to use the newly adopted law to confiscate Russian assets in the US in order to support Ukraine. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken made a corresponding statement. Anthony Blinken noted that Russia should be responsible for repairing the destruction caused by Putin's actions. "Congress has given us the authority to seize Russian assets in the ...
17 Май
Europäischer Verteidigungsfonds: Die Europäische Kommission wird eine Milliarde Euro in 54 Projekte investieren (E-News)
Die Europäische Kommission gab die Ergebnisse von Ausschreibungen im Rahmen des Europäischen Verteidigungsfonds bekannt, mit denen 54 noch nicht abgeschlossene gemeinsame europäische Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte im Verteidigungsbereich unterstützt werden sollen. Dies wurde der Europäischen Kommission gemeldet. Die ausgewählten Projekte zielen darauf ab, die ...
16 Май
Gesetz über «ausländische Agenten» Georgiens: Auswirkungen auf den Wert der Aktien georgischer Unternehmen (E-News)
Nachdem das georgische Parlament in dritter Lesung das Gesetz über „ausländische Agenten“ verabschiedet hatte und es zu groß angelegten Protesten kam, sank der Wert der Aktien georgischer Unternehmen an der Londoner Börse. Laut „Echo Kavkaza“ sank der Wert der Aktien der Bank of Georgia-Gruppe um 17:40 Uhr Tifliser Zeit um mehr als 13 %, der der TBC Bank Group um 14 % und der ...
15 Май
Argentina is ready to help Ukraine restore its energy infrastructure (E-News)
The Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Yuliya Svyridenko, said that Argentina can provide assistance to Ukraine in the restoration of energy and civil infrastructure, which suffered from Russian missile attacks. This was announced during a meeting with Argentina's Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Religion, Diana Mondino. "We put forward a proposal regarding the systematic ...
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