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CalendarFebruary16 → Day of Unity in Ukraine

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Day of Unity in Ukraine

Day of Unity in Ukraine is held on February 16. This event in the second decade of the month February is annual. Help us Help us 
16 February - Day of Unity in Ukraine
Great people of a great country, good morning to you! The external and internal challenges facing country today require consolidation and responsibility from everyone.
Unity Day is a young and significant holiday that appeared in 2022. These are not stories from books, this is our reality. The day before, the President of Ukraine said: "We are told that February 16 will be a day of attack. We will make it the Day of Unity." The idea of the holiday is to show the world the unity of the Ukrainian people amid the military threat.
"In order to strengthen the consolidation of Ukrainian society, to strengthen its resilience in the face of growing hybrid threats, information-propaganda, moral and psychological pressure on public consciousness," reads Presidential Decree No. 53/2022 of February 14, 2022, which designates February 16, 2022, as the Day of Unity in Ukraine.
Day of Unity and Day of Unity. What is the difference? Unlike the Day of Unity, which was declared to unite in the face of the threat of Russian invasion, the Day of Unity of Ukraine is dedicated to another great historical event - the proclamation of the Act of Unification of the UPR and ZUNR in 1919.
Since February 2022, the Great War has become a critical point of unification of Ukrainians around common values. During the full-scale war, national unity became unprecedented.
Let's unite, Ukrainians!

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