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CalendarMarch16 → Engineer's Day in Slovakia

March 16 Events

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Engineer's Day in Slovakia

Engineer's Day in Slovakia is held on March 16. 2014. This event in the second decade of the month March is annual. Help us Help us 
16 March - Engineer's Day in Slovakia
Chamber of Civil and Mining Engineers - was established in 1913 in collaboration with other organisations of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. There are around 5,000 authorised engineers in Slovakia. M ember basis consists of authorized engineers, voluntary members, legal persons and visiting foreign members.
Even though the percentage of the female and male students at engineering faculties in Slovakia was almost equal before 1989, the present situation is getting more and more similar to other European countries and number of female students in engineering studies has dropped significantly. In spite of the fact that in the last decades the number of women who have decided to study in higher education institutions has been continuously increasing in all European countries, in engineering studies on the contrary, there are only 20 per cent of female students.

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