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6 июня 2024, четверг 04:30

№ 19490394

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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31 Май
Simple styles for short hair: ideas from the stars (E-News)
Short haircuts are always in trend. They give the image freshness and style. And although it seems that with short hair there are not so many styling options, in fact there are many ways to give them variety. Let's take a look at some simple and stylish star-inspired styles. The side parting is one of the simplest and most elegant styles for short hair. To create this hairstyle, apply foam to ...
31 Май
Effective methods of express diets: fast and safe (E-News)
In the world of modern dietetics, express diets occupy a special place, promising to get rid of extra pounds in just a few days. If you are suddenly faced with the task of losing excess weight, express diets can be a reliable ally in this difficult endeavor. Their basic nutritional principles may vary, but their effectiveness has been proven by many users. One of the most popular express diets ...
30 Май
Menstruation and skin: choosing cosmetics (E-News)
Before the onset of menstruation, many women face skin problems: rashes appear, the skin becomes more sensitive. Change of cosmetics can solve this problem. After all, skin needs change depending on the phase of the cycle, and it is important to choose the right products for the current state of the skin. In the second phase of the cycle, the skin often lacks balance, greasiness and acne appear. ...
30 Май
Cuidado de la nariz: mascarillas eficaces para una piel sana (E-News)
La piel de la nariz suele tener sus propias peculiaridades: puede ser propensa a la producción de sebo y a la aparición de acné. Por eso, para mantener su salud y limpieza, es necesario aplicar mascarillas especiales. Aquí tienes algunas recetas que te ayudarán a cuidar la piel de la nariz. Mascarilla de sosa Mezcla una cucharada de zumo de naranja natural con la misma ...
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