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CalendarAugust28 → Veracruz Earthquake Memorial Day, Mexico

August 28 Events

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Veracruz Earthquake Memorial Day, Mexico

Veracruz Earthquake Memorial Day, Mexico is held on August 28. This event in the third decade of the month August is annual. Help us Help us 
28 August - Veracruz Earthquake Memorial Day, Mexico
It is considered one of the most important deep earthquakes in Mexico. The earthquake occurred in the central zone of Veracruz during the early morning of Tuesday, August 28, 1973, at 03:45 h. It lasted almost 2 minutes and registered an estimated magnitude of 7.3, according to the National Seismological Service (SSN). It lasted almost 2 minutes and registered an estimated magnitude of 7.3, according to the National Seismological Service (SSN).
The earthquake destroyed part of Orizaba and killed 539 inhabitants, many of whom were sleeping at the time of the tragedy. The violence of the earthquake also caused damage in the cities of Serdán, Puebla, Córdoba, Nogales and Veracruz. The total number of fatalities amounts to 1200 people and a large number of material damages, mainly in old buildings.

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