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CalendarMay29 → Festival in Lombardy, Italy

May 29 Events

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Festival in Lombardy, Italy

Festival in Lombardy, Italy is held on May 29. Commemorating the victory at the Battle of Legnano. This event in the third decade of the month May is annual. Help us Help us 
29 May - Festival in Lombardy, Italy
The battle of Legnano was one of the military confrontations that took place during the conflict between Guelphs and Ghibellines. The battle took place on May 29, 1176 between the towns of Legnano and Borsano - in the northern region of Milan in Lombardy - where the army of Emperor Frederick "Barbarossa" confronted the troops of the Lombard League that were blocking the road to Pavia, where the rest of the Teutonic militia was located. Although the presence of both sides was well known at the time, they suddenly found themselves without time to plan a strategy. The event was crucial in the long conflict unleashed by the Holy Roman Empire to consolidate its power over the communes of northern Italy, which had decided to put aside their differences and join forces in a military coalition symbolically led by Pope Alexander III, the so-called Lombard League.

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