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CalendarApril23 → Surveyor's Day in Argentina

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Surveyor's Day in Argentina

Surveyor's Day in Argentina is held on April 23. This event in the third decade of the month April is annual. Help us Help us 
23 April - Surveyor's Day in Argentina
The Surveyor is the professional who has received the technical, legal, theoretical and practical university knowledge for the exercise of the art of interpreting, measuring and delimiting land surfaces with state-of-the-art technology. On April 23, 1963, the Government of La Rioja issued the decree that established the surveyor as a public official, which is why his day is commemorated today.
The surveyor is nourished by mathematics, geometry, trigonometry, physics, engineering, topography, geomorphology, geodesy, photogrammetry, cartography, computer and satellite technology for land surveying.
The aforementioned celebration is a tribute and recognition to the anonymous work of hundreds of surveyors who, through successive generations, carry out their activities from the offices, the plains, the mountains, the high mountains, the jungles or the deserts, providing the country with an invaluable service.

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