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CalendarMay30 → Okroshka Day

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Okroshka Day

Okroshka Day is held on May 30. This event in the third decade of the month May is annual. Help us Help us 
30 May - Okroshka Day
The name of the soup is derived from the Russian verb kroshit, meaning to crumble or chop. Okroshka is extremely popular during the summer in Russia, because it is always served cold as a refreshment, along with being a highly versatile dish that is easy to prepare. A cold raw vegetable soup, part of the national cuisines of Russia and Ukraine.
Okróshka is a cold soup of Russian origin and probably originated in the Volga region. Okróshka is a cold soup popular in Russia in summer time. The main ingredients include diced raw vegetables, boiled meat, eggs, and potatoes. The soup is served with kvas ( a popular Russian fermented drink made from black rye) and sour cream.

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