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CalendarNovember17 → National Hiking Day in USA

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National Hiking Day in USA

National Hiking Day in USA is held on November 17. This event in the second decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
17 November - National Hiking Day in USA
The American Hiking Society has released a 28-page “state of the trails” report, a comprehensive rundown of where hiking is today and how far it’s come over the past 50 years. Since the National Trails System was established in 1965, the total mileage of trails on federal lands has increased from 88,000 miles to 193,500 miles. On state lands, the number has increased from 15,000 miles to 42,500 miles.
More than 21,800 volunteers participated in 439 trail projects on National Trails Day in 2014. By 2060, day hiking is projected to see the greatest rate of growth in adults out of any outdoor recreational activity.
Celebrate National Take A Hike Day by trekking on trails or mountains with friends on November 17.

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