CalendarNovember2 → Day of the Dead in Bolivia

Day of the Dead in Bolivia

Day of the Dead in Bolivia is held on November 2. Dia de los Muertos is the day when Bolivian families celebrate, commemorate and farewell the visiting dead. This event in the first decade of the month November is annual.
In Latin America, this holiday acquires a sort of syncretism resulting from the fusion of Christian practices with the customs of pre-Hispanic cultures. On November 1st, countries that follow a Catholic tradition celebrate this day in honor of all Saints (including those not canonized).
In these cultures there is a totally different conception of death than in the West. In the Aymara culture (Andean culture), for example, "natural death is not a tragic episode, but just another cycle of life itself. For this reason, when someone dies, it is usually said that this person 'has gone' or 'has departed'. Among the traditions that are still maintained, it is believed that the ajayus (souls) come to bring fecundity and fertility for the whole year, because November also marks the beginning of the sowing season in the agricultural fields of the altiplano".
In Bolivia, the ceremony begins at 12:00 noon on November 1 until noon on November 2 (holiday), since it is believed that "on November 1 at noon the ajayus return from their mountains to spend 24 hours with their families and friends". This ritual consists of the donation of offerings to the souls, by means of "an altar or table also called apxata that is adorned with flowers, candles, canes, fruits, drinks and sweets, in addition to other elements".
One of the elements that is part of the altar is the "tantawawa". The tantawawa is a sponge cake of approximately 50 cm "with a human shape and a colorful face that is modeled in stucco and represents the deceased". The bread ladder is another component of the apxata that symbolizes the ascent of the souls to heaven.

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